We offer all of the brands that you depend on for your networking needs.
A proper network is very similar to a Momma, we never realize what they do, until they are no longer available or incapable to do it. We offer the equipment and brandnames necessary to keep your office network up-to-date and capable to meet all of your needs.
Have you made the Leap to wireless?
There are a lot of security concerns with Wireless networking; although, we can establish a robust, secure network for your business's needs or we can help you to establish and maintain a simple and fast WiFi hotspot to offer to your customers, without sacrificing your own peace of mind over an unsecured wireless network.
Employee Monitoring
Are you losing valuable employee productivity due to personal web-surfing? Let us help you configure an active monitoring software suite that will track employee web activity. Or, we can simply focus your company's web-browsers toward business-specific websites, and ONLY those websites.